It’s really hard to actually say it, but summer is still quite far ahead. Fortunately, there are some bright February days when sun is finally out and we can get some vitamin D onto our faces. When such days come we bet you feel like you have to squint to actually see the pavement under your feet. Honestly, isn’t that the moment you remember the sunglasses from last summer, lying in your bedroom under 5-month dust? Why on earth would you wear your shades in winter, right? And that’s what we’re here for – giving you 4 reasons why you should wear sunglasses in winter.

1. Safeguard for your eyes

Sun is a central star of the solar system. And still, sun with its strong rays can cause us people bunch of troubles. Did you know your lovely eyes can get sunburnt as easy as your skin? If eyes are sunburnt, they are red, watery and itchy. It’s not very pleasant but healing time takes only a few days. Although, if you recurrently display your eyes to direct sunlight, there may be many more complications endangering the health of your eyes.  
You might be strolling down some cosy wintery street, tucked all up in hundreds of layers whilst sipping on a hot choc; or in snowy mountains conquering them all confidently on your skis. Wherever you go, do not forget your sunglasses or ski goggles. Ever.  Even if you feel like you don’t need them, sunglasses are like a mirror – they reflect the sun’s glare off the snow. Not only that, sunglasses protect your eyes from dust, wind, debris, ice, snow and something called ‘snow blindness’ that can happen to the best of us literally anywhere. Leave the stargazing for warmer nights then. Here and now, put on your woolly hat, gloves and your favourite pair of shades.

 2. Improve your sight

Are you more of a ‘sleigh ride down the hill’ kind of person or more of a city explorer? Or are you the skilful one who makes both of the kinds happen? Nevertheless, when the sun’s up, we bet you squint a little! It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re doing as long as you’re outside. Winter sun is a stunner, yet it can easily overwhelm us. Occasionally, we feel blinded or like our sight gotten worse just in a few moments. How to beat this? We bet you already know! Sunglasses are the answer. Sunglasses make you see clearer, with no irritating squinting that makes your eyes watery, and most importantly, they help your eyes not losing the precious moisturizer that we call tears. Your favourite pair of shades will make you feel like your sight has improved. Try it.

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3. Reduce dry eye, eyestrain & headache

Dry air in winter is phenomenon we all got used to. We’ve learnt that hand cream and lip balm are a must if we’re out and about. Sometimes we can forget our eyes can get dry as well, especially outside. When our eyes are exposed to direct sunlight they become tired, awfully tense, even our heads can ache. In an eye of a human being, pupil is the leader – it controls how much light can get to the eye retina in the back of an eye. Eye retina is very light- sensitive. Ergo, when light is bright a pupil constricts trying to protect the retina from too much light striking onto it. However if the light is too bright, the pupil is not able to constrict enough to cut down the light exposure to an acceptable level.This causes squinting as an attempt to further reduction of the light entering eyes, and causes eyestrain and headaches.
Sunglasses work as a candid shield for our eyes – they will protect them no matter what. Do not neglect your knockout shades! Pack them along with your hand cream.

4. Fashion statement

Despite the fact that eyewear has been a part of fashion industry for years, it has been only a few decades ago when wearing sunglasses in winter was a massive faux-pas. Only one person was forgiven of this dreadful sin against fashion - Anna Wintour. She is the fashion icon, the fashion emperor who sets the trends, the fashion insurgent who not only wears her Chanel sunglasses in winter but indoors too. Do you feel like you’re turning way more heads you would actually enjoy, just by wearing simple pair of shades on brisk February morning? Perfect! Doesn’t matter if you are a female or a male, be the bold ‘Anna Wintour’ in your world!

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Sunglasses are not only a brand of a personal taste; sunglasses are a brand of how much you take care of your health and health of your loved ones. When you care for your body, care for your eyes as well! You thank us later.
We believe that after reading this article, there’s a big chance you might feel the love for a pair of sunglasses this winter but we might have a problem here. Do you think that your summer shades don’t go well together with your winter style? That’s okay. We got you! Check out our website, we are certain you’ll find the perfect winter shades that will suit your lifestyle.